Whole30 Bread: Can You Have Bread on Whole30?

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Bread is not allowed on Whole30.

Bread is made from wheat, and all grains are not allowed on Whole30. Therefore, bread isn’t allowed!

However, that may seem obvious. You’re more likely wondering if paleo bread is allowed on Whole30. This basically refers to bread made from almond or coconut flour, which is allowed (as opposed to traditional flour, which is banned).

Nope – even paleo bread using coconut flour and compliant ingredients is not allowed on Whole30.

But why? If the ingredients are compliant and OK, why is paleo bread not allowed on Whole30?

Because ingredient-compliant bread is a classic example of severe SWYPO (Sex With Your Pants On). As the Whole30 team notes, “We’re asking you to change your food habits, here, not just the ingredients.”

The truth is that even paleo bread is a nutrient-poor choice when it comes to eating. Bread takes up space where healthier foods should go. Ultimately, bread is a crutch too many eaters have relied on for too many years. It supports bad food habits and strengths the psychological hold bread has on so many of us. Similar to fighting your sugar dragon, I’d argue there’s a bread-based bear that’s just as difficult to defeat.

In short, just say no to paleo bread! If you need a sandwich substitute, try lettuce leaves, portobello mushroom caps, or big tomato slices.

That being said, if you’ve finished your Whole30 program and are transitioning to a longer term paleo diet, paleo bread and paleo pancakes are something you can potentially begin to explore in moderation.

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about the author:
Meg Mars
Meg is a writer who is passionate about healthy eating. From Whole30 and South Beach Diet, to paleo and intermittent fasting, she's experimented with several healthy eating regiments and is passionate about helping readers find the perfect food plan match for their lifestyles.

4 thoughts on “Whole30 Bread: Can You Have Bread on Whole30?”

  1. I was thinking that perhaps the sourdough bread would be okay because of the health values in it.


    This prevents the effects of the phytic acid and makes the bread easier for us to digest. These phytic acid molecules bind with other minerals, such as calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc, which make these important nutrients unavailable to us. Long slow fermentation of wheat can reduce phytates by up to 90%.

  2. But what if you really DON’T have a love affair with bread? As in hardly eat it. But would like a healthy version of bread. Like sprouted bread. I love having egg and avocado on a slice for breakfast every now and then. Even sprouted bread isn’t allowed?


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